Cerealebrity of the Month: Quisp
Quisp, the propeller-headed alien full of quazy energy
is the Cereal Hall of Fame's Cerealebrity of the Month.
Since he made his first appearance in 1965 alongside his
archrival Quake, Quisp has remained one of the most memorable
cereal creatures of all time.
Quisp sprang from a noble cereal lineage. He was
related to Bullwinkle the Moose, Rocket J. Squirrel, and
Captain Crunch. All of these characters were created by Jay
Ward and Bill Scott. Scott and Ward teamed up in 1959 to
make cartoons in Los Angeles. Their first creation was the
program Rocky and Friends. Though Ward and Scott created
some of the most sophisticated animation of the 1960s, cereal
companies paid their bills. Rocky and Bullwinkle were owned
in part by General Mills. Quaker contacted Ward and Scott to
come up with cartoon characters around which they could
create a cereal brand. Ward and Scott came up with Captain
Crunch in 1963. Two years later, they created this month's
cerealebrity, Quisp.
Quisp was voiced by Daws Butler and championed "the
biggest selling cereal from Saturn to Alpha Centauri." Scott
and Ward might have been inspired in designing Quisp by the
moon men Gidney and Cloyd who appeared earlier in Rocky and
His Friends.
Quisp's rival was Quake (not related to the company
name), a spelunking superhero in a hard hat and logging boots
whose brawny arms and chest enabled him to swim at terrific
speed through bedrock, particularly when angry. Voiced by
Bill Conrad, who narrated Rocky and Bullwinkle, Quake came
from the center of the earth, where he made his breakfast
food "with deep-down sweetness and vitamins to give you the
power of an earthquake."
While Quake brought brute strength to the table - he
once broke open a granite cliff with his head - Quisp was
agile and brainy. He once defeated a giant ball of yarn by
knitting it into a necktie eighty-seven miles long. The
focus of their "quazy" conflict was deciding who represented
the better cereal. An "earthquake-powered cereal," the hard
hat belched, "Quake is best!" Quisp flitted into the scene
and chirped, "For quazy energy . . . Quisp is best!" The
announcer, usually Paul Frees, invited viewers to decide:
"Take sides with either - two new cereals from Quaker, sort
of a breakfast feud."
Though the two cereals tasted virtually the same, Quake
sales lagged far behind Quisp. "Quisp had a lot of better
things going for him. He was light and happy and joyful and
such. Kids liked him better than Quake," said Mike Barna,
Quaker package designer at the time. Speculating on Quake's
unpopularity, Max Lomont, a former Quaker art director
observed, "It's fairly difficult to make somebody who comes
out of the earth appealing."
"Quake always lagged behind," said Barna. Jay Ward and
Bill Scott tried to lighten Quake's heavy image, but to no
avail. He was eased off the shelves by a new product,
Quake's Orange Quangaroos, promoted by Simon the Quangeroo, a
bush-hatted spotted 'roo that jumped out of the Jay Ward/Bill
Scott studios.
Quangaroos didn't last long, mainly because the cereal
had a metallic aftertaste. With the final demise of his arch
rival Quake, Quisp continued to fly high. "A lot of people
have tried to kill Quisp but he survives," said Lomont. "He
refuses to die." Though Quisp himself has disappeared from
the cereal aisle, fans can still buy the cereal which once
bore his likeness. The bargain priced breakfast food is
packaged in plastic bags and sold under the name Quaker Sweet
For further Quisp queries, contact Bill Crawford
A Quazy Qusip Commercial MPEG (about 10.6 Meg!)
And a Quispy sound bite for Mac or PC (~1.2 meg).
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